Monday, April 29, 2013

The history of the South East Asia

Derived - Southeast Asia is known as an area that includes several Countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Philipine. 'ASEAN' was formed as an economic cooperation among countries in the region although at first not all countries are classified as part of Southeast Asia also became members.

Why is there a South East Asian region and what the background of the countries of southeast Asia are classified...? CIA is of interest to classify surface regions in the world that political wisdom, economic and military can be simplified in the design of America's international strategy. The main criterion is the similarity CIA race or culture of people who live in the region they are in regardless of different kingdoms or colonies or different independent. The main assumption then was that common race followed by a common culture because culture, they think, handed down for generations. Is proposed von Heine-imposed Geldren then to apply the concept of South-East Asian region.

The obvious, Von Heine Geldren saying' that cultures in Southeast Asia are relatively similar because the people who live in this region comes from the Indian Rear. Ancient objects he found in Indonesia, especially in the mouth of the River Wampu "Medan now" is very similar to that of ancient objects found in Tonkin "Vietnam". In estuaries Wampu, the objects found in the excavation of limestone derived skin mussel population leftovers from that era have used a funnel of bronze ax. In high school we are familiar term in the language kjöken moddinger Denish which in Indonesian is called kitchen waste.

Based on the concept that also some people of Papua "Irian Jaya used to" think they do not deserve to go to Indonesia because they belong to another race.

The concept of Southeast Asia has continued to be used and there is no accountability to sue despite arguments von Heide-Geldren been sued a lot and, one might say, almost not used anymore except by a few people like Reimar Shcefold "anthropologist" and Gaudienz Domenig "architect".

Weakness of the theory is that the same objects between Vietnam and Indonesia are mostly brought by trade, not with a wave of migration. Well, if you trade, be with anyone. In the 1800s alone a ship had sailed from America to pick up Pepper Deli. Similarly, various types of pottery and pottery found at the site in the Kingdom of Haru and Silver Overlay Green Princess castle site in Delitua and in Seberaya, many from Vietnam and Burma. Gravity again, in front of my own eyes, archaeologists found several hand-held stone ax in "Putri Hijau" Delitua site.

Mysterious or not? Cook on site large culture or modern handheld like Haru found an ax that is assumed to be relics of human-ape walking upright "Pythecantropus erectus".

One more unique, the people Tobelo "Maluku" using Tobelo language belonging to the Polynesian languages ??such apparently culturally Austronesian language user. Writings of Prof. J.D.M. Platenkamp, passes on this question of culture and language that is considered aligned primarily by the phrase "language suggests the nation". The answer, language and culture are two different things. This undermines the linguists claim that linguistic theory is more determinant in identifying culture.

The existence of languages ? Batak family is the work of linguist baholak era because they think the people who called the Batak is a sub-race. Although no one Batak language that is understood by all that classified Batak tribe, without knowing the linguist to implement as there is one language and Batak, he was mistaken leadership, as there is also a Batak culture. They merumpunkan those languages ??into one clump clump and called Batak. And some people are dead set that Batak did exist as a tribe that includes Karo has been proven scientifically.