Monday, April 29, 2013

How to Prove the Authenticity of Digital Photos

Derived - There are several ways to recognize whether a digital photograph is genuine or has been engineered. Engineered in this case is the photo had been edited or retouching using image processing software for example:

Using the TYPE command
How to The easiest to recognize whether the image files still original is to use TYPE command that is in the MS DOS Prompt.
C: \> TYPE sukma1.jpg [Enter]

Should we see that the file contained the following text (example):
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.

The text is identification that the image files taken using the Nokia mobile phone type 7650 on February 10, 2003 at 03:37:51. When the images are already in-edit using Adobe Photoshop, the text is not present identification.

If the file is already in edit by using Adobe Photoshop, the results are as follows:
C: \> TYPE sukma1.jpg [Enter]

The result of these differences can be seen that after the image is edited with Adobe Photoshop then it will have text that reads "Adobe" in the file. With the words "Adobe" is almost guaranteed that the image files have been edited with Adobe Photoshop.

Using ACDSee
In addition to using the command TYPE, we also can use the software ACD See to view the authenticity of the image file.
  • Start it software ACD See.
  • Browse to the folder the desired image
  • Select and display the desired image files
  • Select menu File - Properties
  • After that will be shown Properties of the selected image file.
Information in the Properties explained that:
Model: DC1310
Resolution: 72 x 72 pixel

It seems clear that the pictures have never been edited using Adobe Photoshop. Because the metadata information indicates information that is original is taken using the CAMERA DC1310 model. After learning how to identify digital photos. Later you can tell if a photo digital engineering or original taken from a digital camera / mobile phone.