Derived - May already be part of the activities of every person in every day for the open internet. While still studying, working, walking or eating too many people in the world, browse the internet. Ranging from open facebook, play games, watch video from youtube, go to twitter, download a song or anything googling or reading this article.
But for those who do not know the meaning of internet? Internet can be interpreted as a vast computer networks, large and global, connects computer users from one country to other countries around the world, and of course the Internet is widely available in a variety of information. So how exactly is the history of the internet so it could be like this now? oke aja deh mending we discuss the history of the internet directly.
History of the Internet
The development and history of the Internet began in 1969, the Internet was first established by the U.S. Department of Defense, through the DARPA project called ARPANET or Advanced Project Agency Network researched, they conducted research how to connect one computer to other computers to form an organic network. Initially the project was carried out only for military activities only.
Internet history continues, in 1970 already more than 10 computers which successfully connected, so that they can communicate with each other and form a network. In 1972 in Internet history, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete a program called E-mails, this program created a year earlier for the ARPANET. E-mail program is very easy and then immediately popular, in the same year in the history of the internet appears icon @ and was introduced as an important symbol that shows the at or on.
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Historical photos arpanet |
Internet history continues, in 1973 the ARPANET computer network belonging were developed outside the United States. Computer and the first outside the United States who are members of the ARPANET computer network at University College London. In the same year, in the history of the internet two computer experts, namely, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a larger idea that later became the origin of the thought of the internet. And the idea was first presented at the University of Sussex. On 26 March 1976, the British queen in the history of the internet managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar establisment in Malvern.
In the history of the Internet in 1977, has more than 100 computers that join the network ARPANET and form a network or network. In 1979, in the history of the internet Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steven Bellovin succeeded in creating the first newsgroups and USENET named.
Computers that make up the network was growing each day, it takes a formal protocol that can be recognized by all the networks, and in the history of the Internet in 1982 established the Transmission Control Protocol or TCP as well as Internet Protocol or which we are now familiar with IP, and in the year This also comes the with the name "Internet". Then in Europe appear counter computer network known as Eunet, in such networks provides computer network services in countries such as the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden and Denmark. Eunet networks also provide e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
Internet history continued in 1984, to uniform tool in existing computer networks then introduced systematically or domain name that is currently known as DNS or Domain Name System. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network jumped 10-fold and reached over 10,000 computers. And in 1988 in the history of the internet, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland found and also memperkenalan Internet Relay Chat or IRC, which is then the number of interconnected computers surged even more, no less than 100,000 computers to form a network. Internet history continues, in 1990 Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and a browser that can roam from one computer to another computer, and form a network, the program called www or World Wide Web.
In 1992, in the history of internet-connected computers to form a network of more than one million computers, in 1994 the website has grown to 3000 pages address, and for the first time on the internet also appears a virtual-shopping or e-retail. In the same year founded Yahoo! Start, which is also the birth of Netscape Navigator.
Maybe that yan can I explain about the history of the internet, may be useful ...