Derived - Computer is already a necessity for every person. Almost everyone now require a computer to facilitate his work. Sharing this time is about the history of Hardware / Computer hardware and development, the opposite of the history of the software that I share yesterday. Okay just about history Hardware / Computer hardware.
Definition of Computer
Computer term has a broad meaning and differ for each person. The term computer (computer) is taken from the Latin word meaning computare count (to compute or to reckon).
Charles Babbage was an English mathematician nation. He invented a calculating machine called a difference engine in 1822. The machine was used to calculate mathematical tables. in 1833, Charles Babbage's difference engine develops again called analytical engine that can perform any calculations. So this machine is known as the General Purpose Digital Computer. Beliaupun considered the father of modern computers as a donation to the very large world.
In 1937, Prof Howard Aikem, a mathematician from Harvard University. He penbuatan designing a computer capable of performing arithmetic and logical operations automatically. In 1944, in collaboration with Prof. Howard Aikem IBM company completed electronically kompute named "Harvard MARK I, Controlle Automatic Sequence Calculator (ASCC). In development is divided into several genarasi computer, according to ability (capability), cost (efficiency), and the use of easy yan (user frendly).
According Blissmer (1985), a computer is an electronic device capable of performing multiple tasks, which receive input, process the input in accordance with the instructions, keep the commandments, and the results of its processing, and provides output in the form of information.
Meanwhile, according to Sanders (1985), a computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, processes it, and produces output based on the instructions that have been stored in memory. And many more experts are trying to define it differently on the computer. However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is an electronic device that can accept input, process the input, provide information, using a program stored in the computer's memory, to store programs and results processing, and works automatically.
From the definition, there are three important terms, the input (data), data processing, and information (output). Data processing using a computer known as electronic data processing (EDP) or elecronic the data processing (EDP). Data is a collection of events that raised a fact (fact), to the form of numbers, letters, special symbols, or a combination of all three. Data still not able to tell a lot more that needs to be processed further. Data processing is a process of manipulation of data into a form that is more useful and more means, in the form of an information. Thus, information is the result of a data processing activities that provide a more meaningful form of a fact. Therefore, electronic data processing is the process of manipulation of data into a more meaningful form of an information by using an electronic device, the computer.
Computer Systems
So that the computer can be used to process the data, it must form a system called the computer system. In general, the system consists of elements that are interconnected to form a single unit to carry out an essential purpose of the system. The ultimate goal of a computer system is to process the data to produce information that needs to be supported by elements consisting of hardware (hardware), software (software), and brain-ware. Computer hardware is the equipment itself, is a software program that contains commands to perform certain processes, and the human brain ware is involved in the systems operate and manage the computer. The third element of the computer system should be interconnected and form a unity. Hardware without software is not going to mean anything, just the form of inanimate objects. Both hardware and software also may not work if there are no humans who operate them.
Computer developments:
Generation 1: in the year 1946 to 1956, this generation rely on a vacuum tube (vacuum tube). This computer needs space, and is famous for its low-ability of heat. Storage size of only about + / - 2000 bytes and to run the program and printing is still done manually.
Generation 2: in the year 1957 to 1963. Transistor replaced the vacuum tube in storing and processing information. Transistors in a smaller, less heat and mengkomsusikan little power. Berkapasistas storage size of 32 kb with a speed of 20,000-30,000 orders per second.
Generation 3: in the year 1964 to 1975. Itergrated circuit (IC) has been used on the computer. Size of 2 megabytes of storage capacity with a speed of + / - 5 million per second. This generation also introduced a technology that is easy to use software.
Generation 4: 1980-present. Computers have been using technology Very Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSIC). In a chip, the technology is able to accommodate millions circuit. This chip called the microprocessor. Storage size has a large capacity with speeds of millions of orders per second.