Monday, December 9, 2013

The history of the creation of linux

Derived - Let's explore the Linux Operating System before we learn first history . Her early development comes from the name of the UNIX system by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie are coming from AT & T Bell Labs in 1968 . This is the second appearance of the person.

The main purpose of the UNIX operating system is a multiuser operating system and multitasking and re-written using C language to allow on to develop a wide range of hardware without the need to write specific code .
Then Bell to license the operating system to several institutions , and one of them at the University of California Berkeley , which eventually resulted in some coded clone of UNIX BSD ( Berkeley Software Distribution ) . Professor Andrew Tanenbaum and develop the Unix operating system that can run on any personal computer that is MINIX ( Mini UNIX ) in 1987 . However, this system does not have all the functions desired UNIX student at the time, especially for a student named Linus Torvalds . The system is easily obtained , but there are restrictions in terms of modifications . Copyrighted code . In addition it is difficult to adjust from 16 - bit to 32 - bit , at which time it became popular Intel 386 and it drops continue .

Then in 1991 Linus Torvalds began the project to replace the MINIX in order to be run on a PC with a 80386 processor . The development will be on MINIX using the GNU C compiler . Here is the forerunner of the LINUX operating system . During the beginning of the process the file named Linus Torvalds " Freax " of the combined Freak and x for half a year . Torvalds was already considering names LINUX but did not because he was too selfish .

Initially Torvalds Linux kernel publish under their own license . But after that , he moved the license be the GNU ( General Public License ) . Currently mid- December of 1992, he published version 0.99 under the GNU GPL license . Linux and GNU developers worked to integrate GNU components to the Linux operating system to create a fully-functional and free .

Regarding the linux penguin logo Torvalds began when a walk in the park Perth , Linus was set by Penguin and fever for days . He thought the character fits with the Linux penguin . His body is a little plump , relax , but if the peg can make a fever for days . He described it later penguin mascot body fat, rather smiling and having a rest . After going through the selection for some time , finally decided penguin image is made by Larry Ewing is the most perfect description according to Linus desire . This mascot named Tux , the Linux logo ordained as in 1996 . About naming Tux , is a continuation of Torvald + Unix = Tux .